Missing teeth? Dr. Christopher Layton offers implant dentistry to replace your missing teeth and fully restore your smile! Implant dentistry is a revolutionary approach to restoring smiles, focusing on both aesthetics and functionality to provide you with a final result that not only look fantastic but which also promotes your long-term oral health and function.

Understanding the Function of Dental Implants

Dental implants are sophisticated prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth from root to crown. These implants are composed of two essential components: the implant post and the implant restoration. The implant post, acting as a synthetic tooth root, is firmly anchored into the jawbone, providing a solid base while promoting bone health through stimulation. The implant restoration, which can be a single crown, a dental bridge or a denture, serves to replace the visible part of the tooth, thus restoring your smile and bite functionality.

Your Implant Journey

The journey toward a fully restored smile begins with implant placement surgery. During this procedure, the implant post is meticulously inserted into the jawbone. A healing period follows, allowing the post to integrate with the bone — a crucial process for the stability of the implant. After integration, a customized restoration is designed and placed atop the implant post, effectively completing your smile rehabilitation.

Dental implants are engineered to be a durable, long-term solution for missing teeth, mirroring the care requirements of natural teeth. This includes routine oral hygiene practices such as daily brushing and flossing, along with regular dental checkups for preventive maintenance.

Anyone who has experienced tooth loss is a candidate for implant dentistry. However, if you have a pre-existing condition, such as tooth decay or periodontal disease, this condition will need to be addressed before you can receive a dental implant. While implants are highly successful and can last a lifetime with proper care, you must be in good oral health to receive them and ensure the success of your procedure.

Schedule Your Implant Consultation Today

We welcome you to call Calavera Hills Dental today at 760-842-5876 to schedule your consultation with our skilled implant dentist and learn if implant dentistry in Carlsbad, California, is right for you.

We Can't Wait To See You!